
TO: UCSB UCPath Initiators, Approvers, & Inquirers 

FR: UCPath Project Team

RE: UCPath Project - SCT Redesign Webinar Recording

On September 20th, 2023 the UCPath project team hosted a webinar/info session for the Salary Cost Transfer Redesign Project. The webinar provided project details and expectations for the go-live in UCPath on November 13, 2023.


A recording of the webinar is now available on the UCSB UCPath website, under the newly formed SCT Redesign Page. This page will be your go-to guide for information and resources on the Salary Cost Transfer Redesign in UCPath. 


You can view the recording and slide deck by clicking here, or by following the “View the Recording” link under the “Information + Resources” heading on the SCT Redesign Page.

Thank you, 

The UCPath Project Team



If you have any questions regarding this UCPath Project, please reach out to: