

TO: UCSB UCPath Transactional Users

FR: UCPath Project Team

RE: UCPath Project: July Release Cutover and Go-Live 

Hello UCSB UCPath Transactors, 

Please join the UCPath project team for a go-live readiness session covering the July 2024 Release in UCPath. The session will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 10:00 am PST via Webinar. This session will be approximately 60 minutes long and intended for transactors, initiators, and approvers in the UCPath System. 

Webinar Details:

The presentation will cover all changes in scope for the release, specific tasks you will need to complete before the system downtime, and answer any questions you may have. This session will be recorded and posted to the UCPath website. 


UCPath will be down over the weekend from Saturday, July 13th, 2024 at 5:00 am through Sunday, July 14th at 9:00 pm. Please be on the lookout for more detailed communication as we get closer to the downtime.

For more information on this and other projects, visit the UCPath Technology Insider page of the UCPath Website.


If you have any questions regarding this information, please reach out to: 

Whitney Hamlin at whitneyhamlin@ucsb.edu, UCPath Organizational Manager