TO: UCSB UCPath Transactional Users
FR: UCSB UCPath Team
RE: UCPath Project: Announcing the Salary Cost Transfer Redesign Project
Dear UCSB UCPath Transactional Users,
In the coming months, you will hear about the UCPath Salary Cost Transfer (SCT) Redesign project, which is being sponsored by the UCPath Center.
The goal of this redesign effort is to enhance the transactor & approver experience by introducing additional SCT search criteria, improved data edits, and an overall simplified design.
As we approach the go-live date, scheduled for March 18th, 2023 please be on the lookout for communications regarding upcoming training and change impacts. The project team will be working hard to ensure that changes result in no business process or knowledge gaps.
Thank you for your support of these enhancement initiatives. The underlying goal of any UCPath initiative is to make UCPath a more functional and intuitive system that caters to the needs of those it serves.
If you have any questions regarding this UCPath Project, please reach out to:
- Whitney Hamlin at whitneyhamlin@ucsb.edu, UCPath Organizational Manager
- Allison Inglett at ainglett@ucsb.edu, UCPath Service Delivery Manager
- Bala Singh at balasingh@ucsb.edu, UCPath SCT Redesign Project Manager