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Date: January 7th, 2025
To: Department Heads, Managers, and Business Officers
From: Corena Herrera, HRIS & Data Analytics Manager, Human Resources
Amy Arnold, Academic UCPath Manager, Academic Personnel
Whitney Hamlin, UCPath Organizational Manager
Re: UCPath Functional User Training, January 2025
Who: Employees requiring UCPath functional user access (i.e., initiator/approver roles)
What: Online and Instructor-Led Training
When: January 27 through 30, 2025
UCPath Instructor-Led Classes are offered via Zoom. The next round of training classes begins Monday, January 27, 2025, and concludes Thursday, January 30, 2025, as outlined below in the “Instructor-Led Required Training.” We ask campus departments to take steps to allow the employees scheduled for training to participate in UCPath Instructor-Led Training sessions remotely via Zoom. The Zoom information is available upon registration for all instructor-led classes.
Training Information:
Training consists of online and in-person training workshops. Participants must complete all the required courses before access to UCPath is granted. There is no order for these training classes, but we strongly recommend finishing the E-Courses before the instructor-led training. This will facilitate a general understanding of the UCPath system and terminology, and provide the foundational knowledge and context needed for the instructor-led training.
Please register for each course via the UC Santa Barbara Learning Center under the UCPath Initiator and Approver Training Curriculum.
Registration for the UCPath Initiator and Approver Training Curriculum is now open.
Training Attendance Requirements
Please read the following expectations carefully as they impact how attendees receive credit for the instructor-led training.
- Sign in to Zoom promptly at the start of the training. The expectation is that you arrive ready, and remain actively engaged until the designated break periods. Please also be sure to return from scheduled breaks on time.
- Turn your camera on during the Instructor-Led Zoom training when possible.
- Keep your microphone muted unless you are responding to a question asked by the facilitator, or asking a question of your own.
- Actively participate in the training by asking questions, and responding to facilitator questions verbally, via chat, or using the emoticons in Zoom. Actions in the UCPath system have a direct impact on employee pay and benefits; as such, the training sessions are interactive to ensure attendees gain a solid understanding of the system and processes that are covered.
- Attendance is taken at the beginning, middle, and end of training. The first attendance is taken within the first 15 minutes of the class. To ensure you receive credit for the class, please arrive on time. If an attendee misses one of these attendance ‘check-ins,’ they will not receive credit for attending the class. Please note that this can significantly delay an employee's ability to gain access to the UCPath system as the training classes are only available on a quarterly basis.
We appreciate your attention to these requirements. While we understand that remote training can result in outside distractions, the expectation is that the attendee makes every attempt to engage as if this training were in person.
** Access E-Courses ** Located in the UCSB Learning Center under the “UCPath Initiator and Approver Training Curriculum”