TO: UCSB Campus Community
FR: UCPath Center
RE: UCPath Alert: Service Disruption – Ask UCPath - RESOLVED
Dear UCSB Campus Community,
The “Ask UCPath” issue is resolved. Users now have access to “Ask UCPath.” If you continue to experience any delays or issues, please contact UCPath.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you have a question about this information call (855) 982-7284 to speak with an associate M-F between 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
If you have IT-related questions, please contact the Enterprise Operations Center (EOC) at eoc2@ucop.edu or (510) 987-0363
If you have other questions, contact one of the following offices:
- UCSB Human Resources at ucsb.service-now.com/hr
- UCSB Academic Personnel at AP-Path@ucsb.edu
- UCSB Payroll Office at bfshelp.ucsb.edu or payroll@bfs.ucsb.edu