TO: UC Santa Barbara UCPath Transactors
FR: UCSB UCPath Upgrade Team
RE: Reminder: Preparing for the UCPath Upgrade Cutover
Hello UCSB UCPath Transactors,
As we approach the cutover for the 2021 UCPath Upgrade Project, the UCSB UCPath Upgrade Team would like to remind you of some important details. We have just under one month to prepare for the upgrade to go live!
REMINDER: UCPath will be unavailable from Friday, December 10, 2021, at 12:00 pm until Monday, December 13, 2021, at 6:00 am.
Prepping for Downtime & Upgrade:
- Review department processes and tasks that take place in late November and early December that may be impacted by cutover deadlines and downtime.
- The UCPath upgrade team strongly recommends starting early on transactions when possible, especially as we navigate curtailments and vacations. As we approach the deadlines, please remember to plan your work with the upgrade in mind.
- Submit all requests/transactions by the deadlines communicated by Payroll, Timekeeping, Human Resources, and Academic Personnel.
- The Payroll Processing Schedule deadlines must be strictly followed for completing transactions and submitting interface files.
- It is recommended to complete approval of all AWE transactions before downtime.
For any additional information regarding the upgrade, please visit the UCSB UCPath Website - Technology Insider page.
Please email Allison Inglett, UCPath Service Delivery Manager at ainglett@ucsb.edu, or Whitney Hamlin, UCPath Organizational Manager at whitneyhamlin@ucsb.edu for questions regarding this project or to provide feedback.