TO: UC Santa Barbara UCPath Transactors
FR: UCSB UCPath Upgrade Team
RE: Concluding the UCPath Upgrade Project
Hello UCSB UCPath Transactors,
As previously communicated, the 2021 UCPath upgrade has been live since December 13, 2021. Since the cutover, the UCPath upgrade team is pleased to announce that we have successfully completed four biweekly and two monthly pay cycles.
Additionally, on January 6th, UCPC’s upgrade team returned to normal operations. As a result, the contingency plan was not needed. Saving transaction records is no longer necessary, you may file or archive any records of your work.
Thank you for your flexibility and willingness to learn with us as we upgraded UCPath.
Please email Allison Inglett, UCPath Service Delivery Manager at ainglett@ucsb.edu, or Whitney Hamlin, UCPath Organizational Manager at whitneyhamlin@ucsb.edu for questions regarding this project or to provide feedback.