TO: UCSB UCPath Transactional Users
FR: Tamara Berton, UCPath Manager Academic Personnel
RE: AP Quarterly UCPath Communication
UCPath Freeze Dates – Reminder
The UCPath Center has implemented PayPath transaction freeze dates to eliminate errors that occur during UCPC payroll processing, and to ensure on-cycle pay is issued accurately and on time. UCSB Approvers must hold transaction approvals during each pay cycle’s freeze. Please refer to the 2021 UCPath Payroll Processing Calendar, and the UCSB BW-MO PayPath Transaction Freeze Days resources to identify the current payroll processing freeze dates and to ensure transactions are not being finalized during these periods.
AP UCPath Resources for Department Analysts
The AP-Path team has updated UCPath resources for department analysts. Resources can be found at https://ap.ucsb.edu/resources.
- The updated Academic Transaction Matrix provides detail on who is responsible for initiating and approving UCPath transaction types.
- The updated Hire Template Matrix describes hiring scenarios and the corresponding Template and Reason Codes.
- The new End Date Monitoring document provides guidance on actions steps departments should take to manage appointments with approaching end dates.
In addition, the new Leave of Absence section of the AP website at https://ap.ucsb.edu/leave.of.
New UCSB UCPath Website
The UCSB UCPath Website has a new look! All of the existing UCPath resources are still available on the new site. https://www.ucpath.ucsb.edu/
New Resource! The central office teams have developed a new Pay Cycle Change webpage to define what constitutes a Pay Cycle Change, to provide guidance to departments on what steps to take to implement the needed changes in UCPath and to identify who to reach out to for assistance. To learn more, please visit https://www.ucpath.ucsb.edu/
Upcoming Trainings: The next UCPath User Training is scheduled via Zoom for April 26-29th. Many things have changed since UCSB went live in 2018, and continuing users are encouraged to participate in one or all of the New User training sessions as a refresher. Please watch for when these trainings are available in UCSB’s Learning Management System to sign up.
If you have other questions, contact UCSB Academic Personnel at AP-Path@ucsb.edu