
TO: UCSB UCPath Approvers, Initiators, & Inquirers 

FR: UCPath Project Team

RE: UCPath Project - Improve Navigation Socialization Recording and Resource Site

On August 15th, 2022 the UCPath project team hosted a socialization webinar/info session for the Fluid Improve Navigation project. The webinar was intended for UCPath approvers, initiators, or inquirers and shared both the details of the project and important next steps. 

A recording of the webinar is now available on the UCSB UCPath website, under the newly formed UCPath Fluid Navigation page. This page will be your go-to resource guide for all Fluid Improve Navigation information and resources. 

To view the recording, please follow the link under the information heading on the UCPath Fluid Navigation page.



Please email Whitney Hamlin, UCPath Organizational Manager at whitneyhamlin@ucsb.edu, or Darrell Littleberry, Project Manager at dlittleberry@ucsb.edu for questions regarding this project or to provide feedback.