

TO: UCSB UCPath Transactors, Approvers, & Inquirers 

FR: UCPath Center

RE: UCPath Notice: UCPath Notice: Take Action Before 12/31/24 - Job Record End Date Monitoring

There are more than 20,500 employee records and 1,300 contingent worker records (Systemwide) with an “Expected Job End Date” of December 31, 2024.


Upon reaching the “Expected Job End Date,” UCPath will terminate employees with expired jobs for which the “End Job Automatically” box is selected.


To avoid unintended impacts such as termination, pay discrepancies, termination of benefits, system access interruptions or overpayments, please complete the following action items:

  • Run the Jobs with Approaching End Dates (R-103) report and the Escalation/Reminder of Approaching Job End Dates (R-384) reports
  • Review job records with upcoming end dates that are scheduled to auto-terminate and determine the required action. The table below provides guidance.


December 31, 2024,
Job End Date is Valid? 

End Job Automatically Box checked? 




No action needed– Job will auto-terminate, as planned 



Action required– Submit termination 



Action required– Submit appropriate transaction 



Action required– Submit appropriate transaction 


Action Required 


After determining the required action, initiate the appropriate transaction to update employee records, as needed:

  • PayPath or Manage Job Transaction:
    • Place on a short work break
    • Extend or re-appoint
    • Check the “End Job Automatically” box to terminate automatically on the job end date
  • HR Template or Manage Job Transaction:
    • Transfer to another position
    • Terminate/Complete

 Please review the training resources below for additional guidance.


  • Once job records are automatically terminated, it is necessary to submit a rehire/reinstatement transaction to reinstate an employee to active status
  • A rehire/reinstatement transaction does NOT automatically reinstate benefits 
  • It may take up to five business days to reinstate benefits 
  • Please follow the escalations process for urgent issues that affect employee benefits 

Training Resources:




If you have a question about this information or for any other services, please visit UCPath and click on “Ask UCPath” to submit an inquiry or call (855) 982-7284 to speak with an associate M-F between 8 a.m.–5 p.m.


If you have other questions, contact one of the following offices: